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小玉2024-04-14软件使用 98人已围观

简介 想要在外贸业务中脱颖而出?E


最后更新:2024-04-14 01:00:14


想要在外贸业务中脱颖而出?Erica为你精心整理了一份报盘话术宝典!从建立信任到促成交易,这些口语化的实用表达让你游刃有余。立即拿起这份指南,成为业务达人! 更多扩展内容请关注加拿大公司 在外贸业务中,报盘是沟通的关键,合适的表达可以有效地促成交易。精心整理了一些报盘话术,让我们一起来看看吧! Time-Sensitive Offer:Hey there! Just a heads up, this offer is hot off the press and it’s got an expiration date—June 29th. So, if you're keen, make sure to hit us up before then! Urgency and Incentive:Time is money, right? Well, here’s the deal: if we receive your order within the next 10 days, we’ll lock in those sweet prices we quoted. How’s that for a win-win? Limited Time Frame:Don’t dawdle! This offer is firm for 5 days only. Tick-tock, tick-tock! Clarifying Terms:Let’s get things straight. Our price is based on FOB Shanghai, not CIF Hong Kong. Oh, and you’ve got until August 31st to mull it over. Deadline Reminder:Psst! Just wanted to give you a gentle nudge. Our offer stands, but we need to hear back from you by noon on December 23rd. No pressure, just a friendly reminder! Ready and Waiting:We’re all set on our end. The offer is ready and waiting for your green light. Withdrawal Notice:Heads up! If we don’t hear from you by next Monday, we might have to pull the plug on this offer. Let’s not let it come to that, okay? Extended Validity:Good news! We’re extending the shelf life of this offer for another 10 days starting from June 1st. Take your time, but not too much! 这些话术不仅能够帮助你在报盘中流畅地沟通,还能够增强你与客户之间的信任感,从而促成更多交易。 本文数据来自https://www.6688789.com/showinfo-7-3483-0.html

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